Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Heartbreaking Moment

I recently started preparing Enzo's bottle before his bath, that way once he's in his jammies I can give it to him while we spend time together in the rocking chair, and then we call it a night. Yesterday when I put Enzo down on the changing table for his diaper and pj's, he spotted his bottle and wanted it at once. This is when I realized...he holds it himself. *sighs* Being he is in daycare most the day while I work, nighttime feedings have been our "moment" to bond and have peaceful time together. Tonight, I decided to give into him again and by the time he was is his diaper and dressed, the bottle was nearly gone. My time was cut in half, but my heart torn. The minute he's done with his bottle, he fidgets because he wants his alone time with his binkie and blankie in bed. While some at home mothers might enjoy this, I am saddened by his growing up. I think I'll start hiding the bottle until I am able to sit with him. I'll teach him a thing or two... *grins*

Within 5 minutes of Enzo laying down, this is what I get. I love how he rolls over, cuddle his blanket and most times flops his leg up over the blankie...just like Mama!


ashley said...

I love how he sleeps! Wyatt did the same thing, the best is when they lay on their tummy with their cute little bum in the air. It's the best. You're so lucky he cuddled to drink his bottle in the first place, wy didn't want to have anything to do with that!

Jennifer Anne said...

Such a big boy!

Paul said...

That's cool that Enzo sleeps just like mom, or were you trying to say he sleeps like you?

I have no clue who my kids sleep like -- other than themselves.