Wednesday, November 26, 2008

When will it ever end...

In all my years of mothering, never have I had to deal with such a sick child. Sometimes I wonder if I'm being challenged? Needless to say, I picked Enzo up from daycare yesterday evening to find him on the floor crying. The provider said he had been crying all day, but did take a good nap, so she wasn't sure what the deal was. I took him home, tried to feed him as I normally do, but he refused to eat. Enzo seemed overly tired, so I gave him his bottle and held him close to comfort him...and then, he threw up ALL over me! *HERE'S YOUR SIGN* In between the vomiting, the scrubbing of floors, the multiple loads of laundry, the changing of sheets, etc. I enjoyed and took advantage of the "cuddle time" that he gave me. I can only hope that his immune system is becoming more and more strong throughout all this.

I also wanted to share with you the above picture of Enzo in his new car seat, he absolutely loves it. It's so cute to look in my rear view mirror and watch him smile, dance and sing. Throughout all the ups and downs of mothering, the blessings are far greater.


ashley said...

Poor Kid... I hope he gives himself and YOU a break from this sick thing he's got going on.