Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just Married!

Yup yup, we ran off, got hitched and are loving every day of it. What was originally going to be just Alabe and I, turned out to be Alabe and I, a part of his Railroad Family and my brother Ethan and Sister in Law Melanie. I'm so grateful for those that were able to come celebrate with us last minute and for those who couldn't, we are "trying" to plan a reception to celebrate this day, but we'll see what happens in the planning process. It's been a hectic past few weeks with a ton going on in our lives, vacations, baby coming, work, process of buying a home, etc. So, the planning of a reception has taken the back burner and less of the priorities when it comes to money. We will let you know what happens with that though. In the meantime, enjoy some of charge. =)


The Tao of Michelle said...

So beautiful Linds!!! I am so happy for you. =)