Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's been going on in our life...

It seems like forever, well it has been forever. I just wanted to stop in and fill every one in on what's new in our world, or what has been going on.

Enzo is finally walking away at 14 months. He takes pride in his skills and likes to be noticed and show off, he is definitely an attention getter everywhere we go and he knows it. Yesterday we were at Old Navy and every time I put him down to do a little walking he headed straight for the door...hmmm, was he trying to tell me something? NO SHOPPING MOM! Needless to say, I wasn't there to spend money, just to be with family while they shopped.

We have an appointment tomorrow morning with an ENT Doctor to talk about getting tubes put in his ears. I'm almost positive we'll be scheduling the surgery tomorrow, which I'm a little nervous about, but I do know that this is what he needs. We have battled many ear infections and even RSV recently. It's never fun to miss out on work due to a sick child and it's happened more than enough times for me this past year. I am ready to have this procedure done, but not ready to be away from my baby while he's in surgery. Things will be ok, this I know. I'll keep you updated on when the surgery will be.

Enzo is the "popular" one in daycare. The other morning we walk in the door and he immediately starts his cute little wave to every one. My goodness, what a charmer. Of course all the girls ewwww and awwwwed over him and he just took it all in. It's nice to know how adored your child is while he's away in some one elses care, it brings me comfort. My theory with daycare better have a cute kid and dress him cute, they'll more than likely take better care of yours. Sad, but think about it, pretty true.

Enzo is talking up a storm, of course only some of it is understood by me, but regardless it's cute. I love when we're driving in the car and he babbles on for days and his facial expressions go with whatever he is saying, he seems so serious. I ask him about his day and he tells me, or I ask if he had a good day and he'll shake his head yes...most the time. He loves to shake his head no and let me know that he really doesn't want something when I ask. He loves to read and lately I've found him in his room reading books to himself, I'm sure glad that I started the book routine young. His new thing is to point to things as I read. I ask him where the cat is and he will piont to it. Learning is FUN! Words that Enzo speaks on a normal basis are...

MA MA (Grandma)
Baba (milk, he no longer has a bottle)
Woof Woof
Hi (as he waves)
...that's all I can think of at this moment.

Enzo loves to stand in his car, what is he thinking? You can't stand and drive, you sit and drive. Not only does he love to do this, but he looks at me like "hey mom ck me out"... and smiles big.

As for me, as you can see I've dealt with a sick child a lot, but enjoyed our time together. I started a new diet about a week and a half ago and am pretty excited about some new results. In that time I think I've lost a minimum of 5 lbs. but need to weigh myself and find out. Aside from the lbs. lost, others around me have noticed a difference which gives me more reason to keep going and obtaining my goal. I'd like to feel better about myself and be more healthy at the same time. I've been "TRYING" to do go to the gym as well, but it's first of all hard to get up at 4:30 a.m., second it's an expensive in GAS that can put a damper in my pocket book at this time and third it's just plain hard to find time to do everything in one day. I feel like my days pass by me so quickly and I barely get to enjoy the simple things in life because I'm constantly on the run/go. With Enzo's dad being out of work and having a hard time finding a job, money has been real tight and I'm doing my best to make it. I pray that things will get better soon for us, otherwise I need to look in to doing more for myself, find another job or something to get by.

Other than all that, we are Happy and Healty and can't hardly wait for Spring to arrive. I am excited to be able to take evening walks with Enzo and catch a breathe of fresh air.