Monday, November 17, 2008

As we all know...

Enzo is one of the more slow babies when it comes to being mobile. Although he is taking his time in that sense, the boy sure does talk up a storm and sometimes it seems as if he's actually repeating what you say. I just wanted to drop in and tell you what's been going on in our world.

1. It seems like Enzo is always sick, since birth we've had very few weeks that he has been with out a runny nose or some other sort of illness. Being he's in daycare, I am aware he is more apt to getting whatever is going around, which in turn he shall have a stronger immune system over the next years. For now it can be tough, but hopefully it will be for the better in the long run. Look at the positive right. I took him in to the doctors for goopey eyes and it turned out he had an ear infection as well. I'm just grateful I was able to take him in before things got any worse.

2. Speaking of doctors, he had his 2nd dose of the flu vaccine today. I'm glad that's over with. We're good on shots for another 2 weeks, then he's in for his 12 month check up and THREE shots.

This picture below is the day we found out about the ear infection. Enzo was still in great spirits as we waited for his RX to be filled. He was playing peek a boo with the pharmacist, who in turn got so carried away with my adorable child that he forgot to mix up the medication and he had to walk me through over the phone. NOTICE: Grandma walking up in the background, she was on her way to work and we just so happened to be there.

I saw this hat at Target and had to capture a photo. I think it's darling, but would feel like the mom on "A Christmas Story" if I made him wear it.

For the first time EVER, I VOTED! I'm proud to be an American and have the right. I have also decided that it's probably best to keep Political Views to a minimum when talking to certain people. I, myself can get worked up, just as well as they.

3. On another note, I went to get Enzo from his nap yesterday and found him sitting up in his bed. That was a HAPPY first for me. He finally went from a laying position to sitting up on his own. I'm so grateful for his daycare, they have took part in helping him out in these areas.

4. I finally found a new car seat. Enzo is about to be a year old and is still in the infant seat. Being he's only 18 lbs. it's not a big deal right now, but soon enough he will need it. He seems so bored lately and pretty much DONE with staring at the back seat, so I'll be switching it out soon. I'm excited that I got such a great deal on it as well. I found one on sale and rcvd my mom's discount on top of it.

5. Enzo is about to be a year and I'm overly excited for the day. I've been planning out his party on a budget and excited for what it's going to be like. Party ON! I got him some educational books, puzzles and a DVD and can't wait to take part in helping him learn.

I'm so grateful for my lil' man and look forward to much more time together learning and growing.


Anonymous said...

It will be a great party.HE IS ONE GREAT LITTLE GUY.