Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What's been going on...

It seems as if it's been so long since I've written. Life has been quite busy with ups and downs, but I'd like to continue to say it's beautiful regardless. What's up with Enzo...
Finally got over a double ear infection
And the stomach flu? or something like it...
At almost 7 months, he's just now able to get 6 mo. shots tomorrow (poor baby)
He's rolling, yes he's rolling over from the back to stomach now
Every now and again he prefers to roll and sleep on his tummy
He's so intrigued with everything in site, I think he's going to run before he walks
He loves to take walks in the stroller at night before bath and bedtime
Loves to stick out his tongue and blow bubbles
Wants to grab everything in site, is for sure learning his motor skills
And he's bouncing so much more in his excersaucer
Enzo's personality is definitely starting to show. He does something cute or funny and looks at me like "hey mom, did you see that" He's been such a joy to have around.

We went camping last weekend and Enzo did very well and loved each and every moment of it. He loves the outdoors, so he handled it all so well.

As for me, I've been the busy working mom trying to juggle my job and a sick child. It's been hectic, but things are just now getting back to normal again. Wait, is normal even possible? =) I'm scheduled to meet with the Boss Man this week to talk about future plans and my "raise", I'm really looking forward to this, it's needed. I'm trying out the new "diet" plan (below) and beginning to take walks at night in hopes to lose a few and feel a bit better about myself. I think to look good is to also feel good...vice versa. I'm looking forward to seeing some changes about myself. I recently finished reading "Twilight" and look forward to reading the other (2) books that go along with it. Maybe I can pick up the other from Carrie this weekend. Wishing you all the best and much love. I forgot to mention, the snake you see in the picture above is a Rattle Snake, yes, a rattler! As I was walking down the road I heard the "rattle" and looked to my side to find a snake rattling his tail beside me. Without time to even think I continued to walk and said "Melanie, that's a rattle snake" Wow... I never thought that would happen. A guy by the name of Jason AKA "Steve Erwin" caught the snake with two sticks and put him in the box. I was grateful for that because he was headed straight for my tent.


ashley said...

Gee linds your hair looks fabulous! I wonder who did it? Hmmm I love that picture of you squeezing Z, very cute! I'm jealous you went camping.