Friday, October 10, 2008

Black Mail

I caught Mark watching Saturday conference, or NOT watching it. I wasn't going to post this until he accused me of sharing it, now I must! I email Elder Supinger just about every week and we were speaking of conference when I mentioned Mark sleeping. I guess he turned around and emailed Mark giving him a hard time... Go Elder Sup! In turn, Mark sends me a text message accusing me of sharing this lovely photo. You accuse me, I share! ha ha ha... Funny thing is Annabelle was actually watching the conference, but faked her sleep for the pic.


Paul said...

The biggest thing this post taught me is that Mark is buff! Do you see how big his arm is?

I find it a bit humorous that Davey would chastise. I bet a year ago he wasn't attending and staying attentive during all four sessions of conference.

By the end of his mission he will be empathizing with Mark and gently persuading him to be better.

The thing that I have always appreciated about Mark is that he gets more out of things while sleeping than do many people when they are awake. It's one of his unique talents.

A Day in the Life... said...

Ya Mark is pretty buff...he's proud of it, too!

ashley said...

Who hasn't slept through conference? I mean come on, it's a favorite past time of mine!