Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

It's that time of year. I love Fall and all the beauty it brings. We had such a great time at the Pumpkin Patch. This first picture is when we took off on the hay ride. Enzo was so excited when the tractor took off, that's the true boy in him.

This is the first pumpkin we chose, the other Melanie chose for us. They had some huge and some interesting ones to choose from. On the ride back, we of course saw many more interesting ones. I can't wait to make pumpkin seeds, but the carving part isn't my favorite. I'm not that artistic so you'll be lucky to see the triangle nose and eyes with a crooked smile on my pumpkin.

Enzo was too into the dirt to look up and smile for the camera. Once again, there is my true boy! Sarah and Rachie had a great time as well. Too bad Ashlyn thinks she is too cool and old for this fun.

"Hay" Enzo!

On another note, it's been amazing these past, almost 11 months watching Enzo grow and discover new things. As most of you know, he STILL doesn't crawl or walk, which I'm ok with and feel that maybe it had something to do with the last daycare he was attending. When there, the provider always had him sitting in a bouncy chair rubbing the back of his head bald. With that said, the poor child was never able to explore the floor as he should. Since he started his new daycare the exploring has been fun and a learning experience for him. I love to watch him scoot around on the floor, now throw himself on his stomach (which he use to HATE) to play with toys, play inside his toy box and sit and watch cartoons while he dances. Enzo loves to stand, but hasn't been pulling himself up to stand on anything. I imagine if he was more mobile he would find things to grab onto and pull himself up, but when he's stuck in the middle of the room there isn't much to grasp onto. I did though discover that he knows how to pull himself up. Last night while he was taking a bath, he scooted his little bum over to the edge and pulled himself up to look over the edge. WOW! I let him do it so I could test his skills, but that's not really a cool place to be doing so being he can slip real easily. Needless to say, he was fine, but it's just been such great times watching him learn and grow. He's a talker, I wonder where he got that from?


Paul said...

Sarah looks like a young Ethan with long hair. He sported a mullet but he just as easily could have had that same hair style when he was younger.

I think he had the same pair of shoes, too.