Friday, March 14, 2008

6 months already...

Don't let that fool you, Enzo's not yet 6 months old, but he sure does fit in his cute 6 mo. jammies. I've been trying to leave Enzo in 3 mo as long as I can, not realizing by the time I finally put him in the others he will almost be out of them. I guess on a good note, more clothes for Cousin Brooks. Between Mark & Heidi and I, Brooks sure has got it made with clothes, I'm sure there will be outfits he never gets to wear, if not once. As you can see in the following pictures, by the time Enzo goes through him nighttime routine and has his jammies on, he is so ready for bed, his eyes show it.


ashley said...

He's so cute, I love jammies! And i love the name brooks! too cute!

Anonymous said...

He's handsome