Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I never realized how exhausting shopping could be until yesterday. I'm trying to search for a new blessing outfit for Enzo being that the ones he had were too small. I find it funny that JC Penny doesn't carry an in the Utah store, but yet they do in CA...strange considering the amount of children being blessed in Utah. During my shopping excursion I ran across the Easter Bunny and Enzo had his 1st picture taken with the Bunny! I may not have done it if it wasn't for Grandma saying "do it". Anyway, it's off to more stores today on my lunch, off to find the perfect Blessing outfit for my lil' mans special day! As for today, I'm completely, utterly exhausted! Here's a FLASHBACK for you!


Anonymous said...

I thought it would cost three dollars or so. It is so cute, though.
Love Mom.