Thursday, May 8, 2008

Our Little Vaca

Enzo and I just got back from a little trip to CA. Our original plan was to drive out with Mark and Heidi, but after figuring out gas and time out of the way, it was much easier for us to fly...and we got there much quicker. =) Sadly, my trip was cut short due to a mistake on my end, so we weren't able to see as many people as I would have liked. Overall, it was a great trip and I am not looking forward to the unpacking that I need to get on top of tonight.

The first day we got there was Livermore's Honey and Wine Festival. It was good to walk around and run into a ton of old friends and in general, be in the heat of the outdoors. I think Enzo was in la la land because it felt so good beating down on him. He's such a smiley baby, but not once did he smile for any one at the festival. I do think he really enjoyed being carried around though, I'm sure he saw a lot. We had a wonderful time.

We were also able to meet a new friend, Connor Daniel. Conner and Enzo share the same half brother, which is Danny, my sweet Angel. It was neat to get them together and take a few pictures. Connor was loving on Enzo and wouldn't stop giving him hugs. Poor Enzo doesn't hold his own that well yet, but soon enough he will.